Working with an authorized Axis dealer ensures quality standards from the factory through to your delivery. Unfortunately, we can't know the condition of boats not managed through this process.

Boats sold through liquidators or unauthorized parties are subject to warranty exclusions where there has been damage or neglect since leaving factory possession. Be eyes-wide-open to:

• “AS IS” RISKS TO QUALITY STANDARDS that occur after leaving Axis’ possession and that may not be visible, including: a) missing parts & accessories; and/or b) inferior replacement parts.

• OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES FOR REPAIDS THAT FALL OUTSIDE OF WARRANTY COVERAGE, including boats that: a) aren’t new or unused; b) have damages or needed adjustments caused by items added, altered or changed after leaving Axis’ possession; c) have damages caused by accident, abuse, neglect, negligence, mishandling or alteration; and/or d) have unauthorized repair or replacement of components.


Tip: Approach Any "As-Is" Purchase With the Right Mindset

If purchasing an "as-is" boat from non-Axis authorized channels, be prepared for some of the savings to be reinvested in non-warranty eligible repairs. Think of it along the lines of purchasing directly from a prior owner.

See Detailed Factory Warranty Terms


Before purchasing from a non-Axis authorized party, read and understand the warranty, arm yourself with knowledge on the boat model, carefully inspect any boat of interest, and ask direct questions to prevent any misunderstandings.
Use the checklist below as a guide.

Verify Owner's Packet & Condition

Gel Inspection for damage or discoloration

Trailer inspection for damage, paint condition & gel discoloration

Visual interior inspection for damage (upholstery, plastic panels, soft grip, etc.)

Verify loose parts against the window sticker for boat to ensure all items are present

Install the battery and verify all systems function properly

Verify stereo operation

Inspect bilge area for visible damage or high water lines

Inspect the engine for visible missing parts

Inspect oil, trans, and V drive levels (ensure oils look new)

Water test boat if possible. Ensure smooth engagement in both forward and reverse.

By completing this checklist, you should better understand the potential out-of-pocket costs required to resolve any issues that would not be covered under Axis' standard warranty.

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Authorized AXIS Dealer

• Exciting New & Pristine Boats
• Pre-Delivery Inspection & Delivery Support
• Factory Warranty with Top-Notch Ongoing Service
• Boat Customization & Special Offers
• Trade-In Collaboration

…All ONLY available at your area Axis Authorized Dealer!

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